Schneenocklerl – floating island, Les oeufs a la neige…


This dessert brings me back to my childhood when my mother made us this sweet, cotton-like soft treat. It wasn’t often on the table, so it was even sweeter and more tempting for us!

Short photo recipe

Schneenocklerl – floating island, Les oeufs a la neige…

Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 15 min Cook Time 15 min Total Time 30 mins
Servings: 6
Best Season: Summer


Schneenockerl….so delicious … fluffy and lightly sweet, simple and delicious. 




    • Pour the milk into a thick-bottomed pot and bring to the boil
    • Whisk the egg whites to froth. Gradually add 3 tablespoons of sugar. The meringue should have stiff peaks and the sugar should dissolve. Do not overbeat it.
    • Spoon the meringue into the hot milk. Poach the meringue for about 1 minute on each side, when they hold their shape take them out with a hollow spoon.
    • Mix the egg yolks with the sugar to dissolve
    • Add vanilla powder pudding or starch flour and vanilla flavour to the egg yolk mixture. Stir well so there are no lumps
    • Add a ladle of hot milk to the mixture
    • Pour the mixture of egg yolks into the remaining hot milk and stir until the pudding thickens
    • Pour the hot pudding over the cooked spoons. You can alternately stack the meringue and pudding to get layers or serve in individual portions.
    • Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
    • Before serving, grate the chocolate or lemon zest.
Keywords: schneenocklerl, dessert

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